
New Zealand can be leaders in mental health and wellbeing, be a shining example of what can be done, eliminate suicide as an option in our communities and create a culture where sharing our thoughts, feelings and emotions is something to be celebrated. Paul's purpose is to help make this vision a reality.

Below are a handful of the initiatives Paul drives and feels incredibly passionate about - please get in contact if you would like to find out more or support these in any way.

As seen in:

nz entrepreneur article

Suicide-free Taranaki

Taranaki has an opportunity to be the the best region in New Zealand for wellness and positive mental health. Paul is involved with a number of initiatives with the overarching purpose of achieving a suicide-free Taranaki. 


Community Art Installations

Paul works with local councils and charitable foundations to install large-scale artwork into community areas such as parks and healthcare centres. The simple messages within Paul's artwork can help anyone and everyone.

Community Art

Koha Mahi

As a way to give back to the community that supported Paul on his journey, he allocates a portion of his time to help and speak to a number of different groups throughout the community free-of-charge. 

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